The Legacy of Black Bottom
When the Lord led Reverend Harrison Edwards to the organization of St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church in 1930, little did Reverend Edwards realize the eyes of not only Jacksonville, the State of Florida, but the eyes of the nation would focus on the little church in Black Bottom.
After Reverend Edwards retired the pastorate in 1970, the Lord sent to Black Bottom a man with a plan Reverend H.T. Rhim. At that time 35 saints met Ret. Pastor Rhim and vowed to work with God’s plan. After much teaching (by precept {the Scriptures} and example {personal identification in all efforts}), Ret. Pastor Rhim worked diligently as the Lord led, to make St. Joseph the Church of God.
When faced with H.U.D., the City of Jacksonville, Florida Junior College (now FSCJ), the Lord gave His small ban of Christians the faith to believe that God would fight our battles. The Holy Spirit gave us sermons through Ret. Pastor Rhim “You Shall Hold Your Peace, I’ll Fight Your Battles”, “Walk together Children”, “If You Faith it Out, God will Work it Out”, “Too Weak to Break the Chains that Bind Us”.
From these sermons, God strengthened His flock to be able to purchase more than two acres of land in Black Bottom (the present site of our sanctuary and multi-purpose building) and blinded the eyes of the minds of the powers to be to forget our contract to purchase the original land (533 Dewdrop Street), where our annex now sits. Now we own 2 plots of Black Bottom. We put on the whole armour of God and He took 35 people, grew us with the Word and dumb-founded the world system (Ephesians 6:12).
Today the original building, the Legacy of Black Bottom sit on Dewdrop Street signifying what a Mighty God we serve. All we realize today is not ourselves, but because Ret. Pastor Rhim taught and we learned to do God’s way and to His glory.
What Meaneth These Stones?
Community | Family | One
The prior sanctuary, now our annex, was dedicated as our nursery in 1986. On November 12, 1989 the first Stones Day celebration was observed. The annex now houses a congregation led by our Foreign Missionary, Reverend Elbon, it is called Golgotha Evangelical Christian Church.
Historical Landmark
Compassion | Connection | Giving
Our original location, 533 Dewdrop Street is now designated an Hisstorical Landmark. The proposal was presented to the Jacksonville Historical Preservation Commission by the Planning and Development Department of the City of Jacksonville on February 27, 2017 and approval was granted. The official ceremony was held September 15 with a son of the church, Mayor Alvin Brown officiating. VIEW ALL GROUNDBREAKING HISTORY HERE.