Service Times

Groundbreaking History

Organized in 1930 with Rev. Harrison Edwards as Pastor

A New Beginning – the retirement of Rev. Edwards, January 11, and the call of Pastor H. T. Rhim; Installation – August 16, 1970

Additional districts organized under Pastor Rhim’s leadership: Districts 4 through 12 (1973 – 1998)

Preachers Licensed/Ordained

Rev. Richard Curry, licensed August 30, 1979; ordained October 26, 1984

Bro. Leroy Stephens, licensed May 29, 1980

Rev. Matthew Quarterman, licensed August 4, 1983; ordained March 3, 2002

Rev. John Thomas (deceased), licensed March 1, 1984; ordained November 22, 1987

Rev. Wortha Tompkins, licensed February 26, 1987; ordained November 24, 1996

Bro. Gregory Mercer, licensed August 13, 1989

Rev. Theodore Johnson, licensed March 4, 1990; ordained November 24, 1996

Bro. Michael Hazel, licensed December 8, 1991

Rev. E. C. Gregory, PhD., licensed January 17, 1983; ordained November 29, 1995

Rev. Jimmie E. Johnson, licensed August 8, 1993; ordained November 29, 1995

Bro. Ronald Evans, licensed November 26, 1995

Bro. Jimmy Jordan (deceased), licensed December 8, 1996

Rev. Esperandieu Elbon, licensed February 18, 2001; ordained July 8, 2001

Rev. Maurice Gibson, licensed August 3, 2003; ordained August 25, 2005

Rev. James Fisher, licensed by St. Mary’s Baptist Church, Orlando; ordained by St. Joseph March 14, 2004

Bro. Rickie Simon, Jr. licensed July 9, 2006; ordained December 20, 2008

Bro. Fred King, licensed April 29, 2007; ordained December 20, 2008

Bro.  Jackie Carter, Jr., licensed October 28, 2007

Rev. Warren Bonner, licensed by First African Baptist Church, Green Cove Springs, Ordained by Concord    

Baptist Christian Family Center

Rev. Harold Anderson, II, Licensed August 28, 2011; Ordained January 24, 2016

Rev. Ernest Brinkley Licensed October 23, 2011, ordained August 31, 2014

Bro. Toron Ambrister licensed October 18, 2015, Ordained February 26, 2017

Rev. Kenneth Jefferson licenced January 1, 2007 and Ordained December 22, 2007 by Mt. Pleasant

Missionary Baptist Church, Alvaton, KY

Fifty (50) Deacons ordained/activated since 1970

Fifty (50) Deaconesses added since 1970

New Sanctuary, 485 West First Street

Land purchased (2 ½ acres) 1982; Groundbreaking, June 30, 1984; Entrance and Dedication,

April 20, 1985; Laying of Cornerstone, April 20, 1986; Lawn landscaped and Irrigated, October 1988; Mortgage paid in full, September 1994

Groundbreaking for construction of the Multi-Purpose Building and renovation of the sanctuary was held on September 15, 2002; completion date was May 1, 2004. Dedication services for the building and some furnishings were held May 12- 16, 2004. Another general dedication of all other furnishings purchased and donated was held November 1, 2004.


Business Managers: Bro. Alvin Brown (2003) and Sis. Patricia Lamar-Schell

Church Auditor: Bro. Julius Bacon (deceased)

Administrative Assistant: Sis. Patricia Hutchinson

Executive Council within the Staff of Deacons (January, 1995)

Dea. Alphonso Hayes, Jr.

Dea. Ralph Smith – Chairman of Deacons, January 2007 – Added February 2003

Dea. Willie Hackley – Vice Chairman of Deacons, January 2007

Dea. Willie Lamb (deceased)

Dea. James Ashley (deceased) – Added May 1996

Dea. Michael Sutton – Added 1999

Dea. Dennis James – Added 2000

Dea. Darrell Bacon – Added March 2006

Dea. Darryl Alston  –  Added September 2017

Dea. Gregory Devoe   –  Added September 2017

Dea. Kevin Jones  –  Added September 2017

First Joint Vacation Bible School with Day Spring Baptist Church, Rev. Moses Javis, former pastor, Rev. Jeffrey Rumlin, current pastor, in July 1990; followed each year since  until 2006.

Mid-Week Worship Services began January 19, 1991

Hosted the 77th Annual Session of the Progressive Missionary and Educational Baptist State Convention of Florida, March 19-23, 1991 and its Mid-Winter Board Meeting, December 2005; co-hosted the State Convention in 2010 with Greater Mt. Vernon Baptist Church (96th annual session) and 2013 with Greater Mt. Vernon Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Oakland (99th annual session).

First Joint Retreat with Day Spring Baptist Church, July 1991; followed each year through 1995

Adopted Centennial Townhouses West (apartment community behind the edifice) May 1992

Hosted the Annual Mid-Winter Board Session of the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. February 1996

Corporation formed with Day Spring Baptist and Mt. Sinai Baptist Churches called the Black Bottom/Springfield Human Development Corporation, February 13, 1997. The purpose of the corporation is to foster, strengthen, and encourage academic studies and enlightenment on our Black Heritage through Project S.P.I.R.I.T. Currently; St. Joseph is the existing partner in the corporation and began operating  the St. Joseph Homeownership Ministry in 2008,  providing assistance to persons who were facing foreclosure and/or bankruptcy, as well as provide financial fitness workshops.  Sis. LaTasha Green-Cobb was the leader of the ministry.  The ministry is currently under re-organization under new leadership.

In 2006 the church granted Pastor H.T. Rhim a 1-year sabbatical.  He began his sabbatical July, 2006 and named Rev. E.C. Gregory, PhD  as Pastor in his stead while on sabbatical.

In 2008 Pastor Rhim received an epiphany from God. An epiphany (from the ancient Greek πιφάνεια, epiphaneia, “manifestation, striking appearance”) is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something. Pastor Rhim’s epiphany was implemented in 2009; having each ministry in classes to enhance their effectiveness and proficiency in the respective ministry.  These classes are held each Wednesday night, 4th and 5th Sundays.  The epiphany has proven to be a great enhancement to the ministry and mission of St. Joseph.  

The Instrumental Ensemble was revitalized  October, 2011.