Service Times

Worship & Learning Ministries

Worship & Learning

Church School 

EVERY DISCIPLE of St. Joseph is automatically enrolled in Church School.  In Church School you learn what the scriptures say about various situations in life; i.e. biblical examples of what every Christian should strive to become.

Church Training Union (C.T.U.)

EVERY DISCIPLE of St. Joseph is also enrolled in C.T.U.  These classes teach how to live the life of the scriptures that are taught in Church School (Practical Application).

Discipleship Counseling

The pastor chooses men and women to serve as discipleship counselors.  These persons have demonstrated a knowledge of the scriptures and have developed a caring heart to lead men, women, boys, & girls to Christ.  At the invitation, these counselors speak with candidates as they come for whatever reason – Baptism, Christian Experience, etc.

Education Ministry

Involved in all phases of Christian and secular education.  The Minister of Education is responsible for all classes taught at St. Joseph.  The secular phase of the ministry deals with our students in all aspects of their educational journey – from kindergarten to college.

Mid-Week Worship Service

Again, ALL DISCIPLES of St. Joseph should be in attendance.  At this service, we have corporate prayer followed by expository teaching.  Rev. Gregory is the main facilitator; classes are 1 hour on Wednesdays beginning at 7:00 PM.  Parents are also involved in the Parenting class – teaching parents how to teach their children at this same time period.  These rich classes are both needed and necessary for the maturity of our children – we’ve lost a generation and the church has an obligation to try to recapture them.  Mid-week worship service follows these classes at 7:00 PM.

Transition Ministry

This ministry was created just for new disciples.  When new converts place their discipleship at St. Joseph at a time when the Pastor’s Salvation Class is already under way, they are placed in the transition ministry to “hold” them until Salvation Class opens.  This ministry and the New Disciples Ministry work hand-in-hand to make the new converts comfortable in their new church.


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