Service Times

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All Ministries


Clerical Staff

All forms of clerical work.  Let us know what you can do and we can include you in our volunteer roster (if you wish).

Computer Ministry

This ministry is responsible for all repairs/upgrades needed – both hardware and software.  If you have skills, contact the church office to volunteer.

Culinary Ministry

Responsible for all prepared meals served at St. Joseph.  These are persons who have proven to be excellent cooks and professional servers.

Junior Women’s Ministry

This a group of young ladies aged 18 – 40.  The purpose of this ministry is MISSION & EVANGELISM.  In addition to mission inside and outside St. Joseph there are also opportunities to evangelize.

Education Ministry

Involved in all phases of Christian and secular education.  The Minister of Education is responsible for all classes taught at St. Joseph.  The secular phase of the ministry deals with our students in all aspects of their educational journey – from kindergarten to college.  

Evangelism Ministry

One of the most important ministries in the Missionary Baptist church.  Acts 1:8 gives us our marching orders to win others to Christ, and this we do as an organized ministry.  This ministry is open to all who have a  zeal to witness Christ to others.

Finance Ministry

This is another important ministry.  The Pastor chooses the members of the ministry according to their display of honesty, availability, and ability to handle money.

Funeral  Ministry

This important ministry assists our disciples at one of the hardest moments in our lives.  When a disciple, or an immediate member of a disciple’s family goes home to be with the Lord, the funeral ministry is available to guide them through all phases of the funeral experience; assistance with choosing a funeral home, assistance with choices to be made, and guidance in preparing the printed program.  We do have specific guidelines for home going services of which the ministry will advise as needed.

Health Awareness Ministry

In the event you have noticed a nurse sitting in the choir loft during worship service, she’s on duty.  Emergencies occur everywhere and we want to be prepared to medically assist our disciples as needed.  Many times their care has led to EMS units coming in and taking persons to the nearest medical facility.

Grief Counseling Ministry

Oftentimes, the loss of a loved one is more devastating to some than others.  Our grief counseling ministry is trained to counsel, listen, and be available to the bereaved.

Home Bible Study/Tape Ministry

This ministry and the Sick & Confined Ministry work hand-in-hand.  As the ministry visits, there are opportunities to discuss the scriptures along with sharing a CD, DVD, or cassette of a worship service.  So the Home Bible Study/Tape Ministry performs this task.

HTR Singers

This group of all MALE singers serve as our Male Chorus;  men who are not ashamed to praise God by making a joyful “noise”.

Jail & Prison Ministry

This ministry requires a certain type of person – one who can handle being “incarcerated” as he/she ministers to the inmates.  The Pastor chooses participants based on your presentation to him 1)  your qualifications, 2) your ability to handle the Word, among other prerequisites set up by the sheriff’s office and the jail chaplin’s office.  To be involved in this ministry, you have to realize that everyone behind bars is not guilty and if they are, EVERYONE makes mistakes and the Lord is able to forgive you for all sins.

Mass Choir

Adults and Youth are invited to be a part of this ministry.  It goes without saying, every church has a choir and our church is unique in that we only have 1 main choir (auxiliaries are the Male Chorus and the Youth Choir).  By having this 1 mass choir we do not need a “choir #1, choir #2, etc.  The mass choir (including the Male Chorus and the Youth Choir) sing/serve on 1st Sundays; the mass choir excluding youth sing/serve on 2nd Sundays; the Male Chorus sing/serve on 3rd Sundays; and the Youth choir sing/serve on 4th Sundays.  All rehearsals are on Thursday nights except the Youth – Wednesday nights.

Ministry for New Disciples

This vital ministry is very important, in that they are responsible for contact and follow-up from the day a candidate walks down the aisle until they are fellowshipped and placed on a district.  At their initial visit you are provided with a Daily Bread booklet (day by day bible lessons), and letter welcoming you to St. Joseph, and other important material.  This ministry is your constant contact/liaison for EVERYTHING you encounter that you feel you need assistance with.  They are not authorized to refer you to any ministry, but to report your problem to the Pastor and he will refer as necessary.

Multi-Media Ministry

This ministry is responsible for ALL media here at the church; audio visual aids, microphones and sound system.  Each service and many main activities are recorded on DVDs, CDs, and cassettes and are available for sale.  This ministry is the ONLY income making ministry in the church.

Pastor’s Aid Ministry

This ministry is the ministry that sees after the pastor’s secular and physical needs while at church, i.e. coffee and tea service for the pastor and his guest(s), special needs before and after preaching – water, handkerchiefs, hand towels, mints, etc.


Security Ministry

Another important ministry for those who worship at St. Joseph.  Our security personnel provide the needed/required security of your vehicle while you worship.  In cases of our elderly and handicapped disciples, they will allow you to disembark your vehicle at the walkway and they will park your vehicle for you and bring you the keys.  After worship is over, they will retrieve your vehicle when you come out and give them your keys.

Sick & Confined Ministry

This ministry is charged with visiting the sick disciples of our church (in addition to the other mission ministries).  When people are sick for a lengthy period of time, sometimes they become depressed because visits are seldom.  This ministry ensures this is not the case. 

Benevolence Ministry

Provides assistance to  persons who have problems and need financial assistance.

Big Brother/Big Sister

Assigned by the Pastor according to the need.  The big brother/sister is a confidant who can walk you through whatever you are going through – they have the insight that can put you on or keep you on the right track.  The big brother/sister knows the meaning of confidentiality.


Open to all men; they assist the church maintenance personnel, the landscape engineer, and specific members as requested.  In addition, they assist the membership with their skills – plumbing, carpentry, etc. as needed.


Bulletin Ministry

Provides all forms of printed material for distribution.

Church School

EVERY DISCIPLE of St. Joseph is automatically enrolled in Church School.  In Church School you learn what the scriptures say about various situations in life; i.e. biblical examples of what every Christian should strive to become.

Counseling Ministry

This ministry is special to all of St. Joseph.  Many problems arise – in marriages, family life, chemical dependencies, etc.  A counselor is assigned by the Pastor.  ALL counseling sessions are kept private; the counselors understand the importance of confidentiality.(Practical Application)

Couples Ministry

A ministry designed specifically for married couples.  Their activities are spiritually based fun activities to married couples of all ages.

Dance Ministry

Open to all youth and adults who wish to participate in the spiritual dance ministry.  This ministry allows disciples to exercise their creative talent.

Deacons Ministry

The pastor chooses men to serve as deacons.  They perform the instructions from the pastor.  Each district is led by a deacon.  Currently we have 12 districts led by deacons and 4 additional deacons who have specific assignments.

Deaconess Ministry

Deaconesses are the wives of deacons and ministers who wish to serve in this capacity.  In addition, other ladies may be added at the pastor’s discretion.  Their role includes, but is not limited to dressing baptism candidates, preparing for the Lord’s Supper, and many other obligations.

Discipleship Counseling

The pastor chooses men and women to serve as discipleship counselors.  These persons have demonstrated a knowledge of the scriptures and have developed a caring heart to lead men, women, boys, & girls to Christ.  At the invitation, these counselors speak with candidates as they come for whatever reason – Baptism, Christian Experience, etc.

Drama  Ministry

Open to all youth and adults who wish to participate and exercise their talent in acting.  In addition to acting, there is always a need for background persons; staging, costumes, etc.

Hospitality Ministry

The group of disciples are our greeters.  Each week they stand at the front door to greet our visitors and make them feel welcome.

Insight Bible Class

This class is open to all adult disciples of St. Joseph.  In this class the Pastor facilitates the scriptures expositorily on specific subjects, in a manner that is easy for everyone to understand.  You can ask question after question until you are satisfied with the teachings.  This class provides in-depth study of God’s Word and meets Monday nights from October to June each year. 

Maturity in Action Ministry

This is a social ministry for all of our “seasoned” disciples (aged 60 +).  Their activities vary based on interests and social needs.

Junior Women’s Ministry

This a group of young ladies aged 18 – 40.  The purpose of this ministry is MISSION & EVANGELISM.  In addition to mission inside and outside St. Joseph there are also opportunities to evangelize.

Mid-Week Worship Service

Again, ALL DISCIPLES of St. Joseph should be in attendance.  At this service, we have corporate prayer followed by expository teaching.  Rev. Gregory is the main facilitator; classes are 1 hour on Wednesdays beginning at 7:00 PM.  The Lord showed Pastor Rhim an Epiphany in great detail about the necessity of teaching all ages the same night in only a 2-hour period.  From 6:00 – 7:00 PM the youth are in their respective classes (BFCW* [girls] and MOCA** [boys]).  Parents are also involved in the Parenting class – teaching parents how to teach their children at this same time period.  These rich classes are both needed and necessary for the maturity of our children – we’ve lost a generation and the church has an obligation to try to recapture them.  Mid-week worship service follows these classes at 7:00 PM.

Junior Women’s Ministry

This a group of young ladies aged 18 – 40.  The purpose of this ministry is MISSION & EVANGELISM.  In addition to mission inside and outside St. Joseph there are also opportunities to evangelize.

Ministers Wives and Widows

This ministry is comprised of (as the name indicates) ministers wives and widows).  They are usually included in the deaconess ministry, however there are some who do/don’t participate in either or both.  



The nursery is equipped to serve all children from birth to 5 years old.  They are not warehoused, but are taught Bible stories, Christian songs, and scriptures they can relate to.  The nursery is fully equipped and available during worship hours.  During Church School and CTU toddlers aged 2 – 5 are taught these same things.

Senior Women’s Ministry

This a group of young ladies aged 55 +.  The purpose of this ministry is MISSION & EVANGELISM.  In addition to mission inside and outside St. Joseph there are also opportunities to evangelize.

Social Justice Ministry

This ministry gets involved when disciples and their family members have problems with law enforcement, evictions, and other disagreeable issues.  They are commissioned by the pastor and acts only when he instructs.  

Special Support Ministry

This ministry works with persons in the congregation who have addictions – alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.  This is a confidential ministry and persons are assigned to this ministry based on the pastor’s recommendation ONLY.  Their meeting time and place is not divulged to the congregation. 

Transition Ministry

This ministry was created just for new disciples.  When new converts place their discipleship at St. Joseph at a time when the Pastor’s Salvation Class is already under way, they are placed in the transition ministry to “hold” them until Salvation Class opens.  This ministry and the New Disciples Ministry work hand-in-hand to make the new converts comfortable in their new church.

Women’s Intermediate Ministry

This a group of young ladies aged 41 – 60.  The purpose of this ministry is MISSION & EVANGELISM.  In addition to mission inside and outside St. Joseph there are also opportunities to evangelize.

Youth Enrichment Ministry

All youth, up to age 18, are automatically placed in the Youth Enrichment Ministry (District #5) after fellowship.  Their activities include Church School, CTU, choir, ushers, drama, pantomime, dance, instrumental ensemble and the hospitality ministry.

Church Training Union

EVERY DISCIPLE of St. Joseph is also enrolled in C.T.U.  These classes teach how to live the life of the scriptures that are taught in Church School (Practical Application)


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